
Saturday, October 18, 2003

The various religions are like different roads converging on the same point. What difference does it make if we follow different routes, provided we arrive at the same destination.
- -- Mahatma Gandhi

Yes, all religions converge on the same empty notion of infinity. But not Christianity. There is a great difference between saying that God in infinite and saying that infinity is God. Infinity is an attribute of the personal, triune God. All you have to do is reject Christ, the Bible, the Holy Spirit, the Apostles, the church and some other little things, and you can accept Gandhi's statement. Oh yes, and be cast into hell at the last judgment.


Friday, October 17, 2003

This is a sober analysis of the decisions that "good Muslims" must make in the coming decades. This may well be one of the great opportunities for the Christian faith in the coming years, or a disaster of unspeakable proportions for Christianity. The Protestant Reformation was a disaster for Rome, but not a disaster for Christianity. What transpires in the Muslim world may well be the greatest peril that Rome, the Eastern Church, and Protestantism has ever faced. Click on the following link:

TCS: Tech Central Station - The Six Dilemmas of the Moderate Islamist: "This dilemma may seem irresolvable. Good Muslims can never truly accommodate to the Western ethos and its belief system without in effect becoming moderate Muslims -- meaning, bad Muslims. Thus the moderate Islamist must fight accommodation by the Muslim community and urge Islamic conversion throughout the West, while allaying suspicions in the larger society. The path some have chosen is to argue that both active proselytizing and civic autonomy for the Muslim community are good things for Western society as a whole. They promote true 'diversity' and thus Islamic 'pluralism' benefits everyone. But this is a very tough sell."


Telegraph | News | God put Bush in charge, says the general hunting bin Laden: "The disclosures will doubtless be seized on by Muslim critics as proof that the US-led war on terrorism is a crusade against Islam. It is a charge that Mr Bush has worked hard to refute."

This is not on the politicalfigs blog because it isn't political. Look, you British ignoramuses, we didn't start it. Islamic radicals have repeatedly claimed that they hate us because we support the Jews and tempt Islamists away from being true to their faith. They are the ones that labeled this a religious war. God bless Boykin. We need men who trust in Christ to oppose those who hate Christ and hate Christians.

This is good for America. People may hate America, but when they start blaspheming God, then they are on very dangerous grounds.


Thursday, October 16, 2003

CNN.com - Rumsfeld defends general who commented on war, Satan - Oct. 16, 2003: "Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, whose promotion and appointment was confirmed by the Senate in June, has said publicly that he sees the war on terrorism as a clash between Judeo-Christian values and Satan, the Los Angeles Times reported Thursday. "

Boykin is right, of course, but the political correct weenies will have a cow. All wars are wars of religion if you dig deep enough. Liberalism has been waging war on God and the Bible for many, many years. Communism is an atheistic system that fought to destroy Christianity and Christian values. No Christian is allowed to say that it is a war, however, because the left imagines itself above being involved in religious wars. The wolf dresses himself as a sheep, but beware the sharp teeth and the tearing claws.


Monday, October 13, 2003

I would say that I would rather be an Islamic fundamentalist than a spineless, formless, jellyfish of a liberal who thinks that all religions worship the same god. At least the fundamentalist believes something and you know where you stand with him. The Islamic fundamentalist is corrupted in his manhood and worships vanity, but at least he worships. The jellyfish, in denying the possibility of truth claims about God, denies his very humanity. To say there is no absolute truth that can be known is to deny the image of God in man, making man like the beasts of the field. Jesus said it is better to be either hot or cold than to be lukewarm. I guess if these jellyfish make Jesus sick to his stomach, it is all right for me to feel queasy when I am around them. See Revelation 3:16. [that's in the Bible]


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