Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Can You Know that You Know?
Summer, 2004, Columbine
Challenged by Creationists, Museums Answer Back - New York Times: "Instead, he told the volunteers that when they encounter religious fundamentalists they should emphasize that science museums live by the rules of science. They seek answers in nature to questions about nature, they look for explanations that can be tested by experiment and observation in the material world, and they understand that all scientific knowledge is provisional - capable of being overturned when better answers are discovered. "
It seems that those who conduct tours at some of the nation's largest museums are beginning to realize that they need to do a better job of explaining evolution, due to the "attacks" of creationists. The above quotation reveals why they still do not get it, and why they cannot get it. If you decide at the onset that certain answers are not permitted, you might very well be eliminating the right answer. The simple fact is that the origin of the world simply cannot be "tested by experiment and observation in the material world." You cannot measure faith with a telescope, but that does not mean that faith is not real.
Solomon put it this way, Proverbs 11:1: "A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight." It is dishonest to use sleight of hand to corrupt the measure. Only a fool will deny his own self-consciousness, but who can measure it? Is a computer self-conscious? Are there the first glimerings of self-consciousness coming to realization in our most powerful computers. How will we ever know? If we cannot measure self-consciousness in ourselves, how will we ever measure that in a machine, or even know that it exists. Can the intensity of faith be measured? When did Terri Schaivo die?
The phrase "rules of science" in the above quotation is deceptive. They "seek" answers, but never really ever find any. "Scientific knowledge is provisional" means that it is simply a guess, waiting for "better answers." That is all right if you a trying to find which diet will produce the most butter fat in dairy cows, but it is a bit risky if you are wondering whether or not Hurricane Katrina was a judgment on a wicked city. The rich man's brothers might be convinced that there really is a hell if Lazarus came back from the dead, but not if they refuse to believe supernatural "evidence." After all, the resurrection of Christ did not convince the Pharisees.
In reality, there is plenty of supernatural evidence everywhere. Solomon put it this way, " "If thou seekest her [wisdom] as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God. For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding." (Proverbs 2:4-6 AV)
This is the reason that evolutionary theory and Christian believers will never really talk to each other, because each accept different rules for knowledge. The Christian has experienced the work of the Holy Spirit in changing his life, his behavior, his perception, and even the way his mind works as he has read the Bible and believed. It is as certain to him as his own self-consciousness, and he will not be persuaded that what has happened is not true. On the other hand, if a person does not believe the law and the prophets, he will not be persuaded though one rose from the dead. [Luke 16:31]
The two camps cannot meet. Naturalism looks on belief as superstition and believers as unteachable; Believers cannot understand why scientists won't see what is plain. The words of Solomon again, the words of wisdom "are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge." [Prov. 8:9]